Tuesday, August 18, 2009

today's gonna be a good day.

trialzz, v saints.

i'm so tempted to switch over to tumblr for it's coolness. i've been a blogspot user since 2002 (malaya.blogspot.com)

not much to really say. life is good.

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What's the Master's Thesis?

Beneath Our Maria Claras reveal the lives of Filipinas as they attempt to undress layers of pre-colonial identities sewn by patterns of colonialism, imperialism, and patriarchy. For years, I have struggled to remove this garment and try to do what some colonized peoples have done, de-colonize myself and understand the social and historical conditions impacting my live. This blog/research follow my lines of thoughts and understanding while trying to understand: How do second generation Filipina American college students reclaim power that was denied to them culturally through gender?