Sunday, August 16, 2009


so i'm chillin here in oli's garage trying to gain inspiration again as kim and oli play the new version of an old song. i'm slowly meeting my voice again. she's stronger and much more beautiful than ever. after the many times where i've felt her leave, she comes back much stronger that i could ever imagine.

last year, around this time, she lept out of my soul as i screamed my way down the 805 pacing after an ex-boyfriend. pained and lost, each scream carved a deeper cave into my soul where my babaylan once lived. like extracting a tooth, i was overcome with sorrow and shame that i was loosing my wisdom. my mind was clouded with abandonment, fear, jealousy, and insecurity - the perfect recipe for self-destruction.

it's been about a year since that last time, she came back in pieces, slowly but surely. i found the strength in a women's organization. i had found a home to harness my babaylan, my energy, and my voice. i was confident that this space was setting a foundation, and it did. slowly, it began to chip away at what i thought was my path revealing my yellow brick road.

irony definitely has its way of creating a new comedic sitcom. criticizing the organization's lack of love and praxis, i was deauthorized because the love i had for my partner. valentine's day was the day that they would kick me out of the organization. ha. anticipating the end, i asked to speed up this suspense and instead left the organization during a valentine's day social just-us dance. ironic isn't it?

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What's the Master's Thesis?

Beneath Our Maria Claras reveal the lives of Filipinas as they attempt to undress layers of pre-colonial identities sewn by patterns of colonialism, imperialism, and patriarchy. For years, I have struggled to remove this garment and try to do what some colonized peoples have done, de-colonize myself and understand the social and historical conditions impacting my live. This blog/research follow my lines of thoughts and understanding while trying to understand: How do second generation Filipina American college students reclaim power that was denied to them culturally through gender?