Monday, April 27, 2009

so stressed

have you ever been so stressed that you just don't know where to start?

i'm really kicking myself in the ass for not being further in this process than i should be. i keep making excuses saying that i'm working with the community, i'm focusing on family, i'm dealing with my emotions right now. i'm not trying to invalidate these reasons by calling them excuses but that's what they feel like right now. i guess i'm just in the pits because i'm still stuck in the same place i was in a year ago.

i admit i've learned so much. much more than i could learn in textbooks and intellectual conversations. i had a chance to just enjoy and learn from the outside world. i saw the light outside the classroom walls. i loved it and basked in it. sometimes i wish that i didn't go right into grad school. i wish i had taken that time off - which i think manifested itself into this year and half mental break from thesising.

i'm beyond it all. i just want it to be birthed out and acting like an adult.

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What's the Master's Thesis?

Beneath Our Maria Claras reveal the lives of Filipinas as they attempt to undress layers of pre-colonial identities sewn by patterns of colonialism, imperialism, and patriarchy. For years, I have struggled to remove this garment and try to do what some colonized peoples have done, de-colonize myself and understand the social and historical conditions impacting my live. This blog/research follow my lines of thoughts and understanding while trying to understand: How do second generation Filipina American college students reclaim power that was denied to them culturally through gender?